Catalyst for Freedom


Create a Booklet of experimental typography based on a coordinated, thematic collection of 14 literary Pull Quotes, their Attributes and Extracted Text Displays.

Overall Requirements:

︎ The booklet must flow in spreads.
︎ Size: 5.50 x 8.25-inches; portrait
︎ 36 pages: 4 covers + 32 body
︎ Pull Quotes must be on the left hand pages.
︎ Extracted Text  must be on the right handpages.
︎ 2 type families

Left Hand Page:

One Pull Quote, with its full attribution, per page. The Pull Quote and Attribute type styles to contrast and vary. Incorporate a typographic hierarchy with variety, change of faces, weights and scale. Typography to be fairly classic, and impeccably crafted.


︎ White or off white background
︎ Page numbers
︎ No images. Text only.
︎ 2+ printed colors

Right Hand Page:

Design thoughtful and original experimental, typographic display treatments. Each page design should reflect an expression of the Pull Quote and the Booklet’s thematic approach. Typographic, display treatments to fill each page legibly. Photography, illustration or other techniques may be incorporated. Pages should contrast with the more classic left hand pages, opposite.


︎ Full Bleed Backgrounds
︎ 3+ printed colors