
Create a visual packaging identity for a company named “Basis.“ Basis focuses on the healthy drink alternatives. For this project the three given flavors were Rhythm, Continuity, and Balance.

The main idea was to create a set of various beverages for people to drink throughout the day. Rhythm is a matcha drink for the morning. Continuity is a kombutcha that helps with both digestion and energu for the afternoon, and Balance is a decafienated green tea that helps with anxiety and calms down for sleep.

Consumer Profile: 

1. 20s-40s
2. Either a student or work
3. Introverted
4. Love nature and being outside
5. Enjoy cooking (always look for balanced recepies)
6. Always look after their health/ like to learn about health and nutrition

1. Wakes up early and does yoga/pilates at home
2. Meditates (uses crystals and singing bowls)
3. Takes a shower and does skincare
4. Makes breakfast at home
5. They go to college or work
6.  They like to garden on their free time
7. They make their own dinner while watching a movie
8. Reads a book and goes to sleep early

Brands used by the consumer

Concept Generation

Final Design(Flat)

Final Renderings
